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Posts about Awareness Day

Most interns turn up on their first day completely new to the media industry. And that’s totally fine, and to be expected. It’s exhilarating and nerve-wracking in equal measure. Although..

How online and remote learning has widened the UK class divide and has impacted learning poverty worldwide. The pandemic has highlighted the financial and cultural disadvantages that children from working-class..

It’s the 50th year of celebrating National Women’s Equality Day which commemorates the greatly significant adoption of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920 which granted women the right to vote...

Every day journalists risk their lives reporting on issues surrounding conflict and raising awareness of injustices all around the world. For World Humanitarian Day we have created a list of inspiring individuals..

It’s National Intern Day, a day dedicated to celebrating and recognising the importance of interns who are trying to get their foot in the door and are working toward their..

It’s National Disability Independence Day, a time to commemorate the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990. This act provides protection and prohibits employment discrimination and guarantees access to education,..

Black Leaders Awareness Day (BLAD) is celebrating its first year, recently founded by Veronica Martin, COO of Aleto and Baton Awards Winner during lockdown in 2020 and after the rise in inspirational leaders throughout the Black Lives Matter movement...

International Non-Binary People’s Day is celebrated annually on the 14th of July – and aims to raise awareness, empower and uplift the voices of non-binary people and to keep our..

National Simplicity Day is a day which honours the birthday of transcendentalist and advocate for living simply – Henry David Thoreau. This day raises awareness on the importance of taking a breather from..

It’s National Workaholics Day – a day where we can appreciate those who work hard, but also acknowledge how detrimental an unhealthy work/life balance can be to both mental and physical..


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