Since day one the media community has played a crucial role in funding our work (We’ve raised over £60,000 through crowdfunders!) and driving change. Our model puts ordinary professionals at the heart of the solution and we’re so grateful for all the work our host-mentors do.

We understand, though, that many people aren’t able to host or volunteer their time but still want to support the mission And we’ve tried to make as many brilliant reasons and ways to donate!

You can support PressPad’s work by buying our stylish, fun and principled merchandise and even give host-mentorship credit to young people through purchasing a gift card.

Discover more ways to contribute to social mobility in the media below

Make a donation

As a supporter, you can either give as a one-off to a single campaign, give monthly or sponsor an intern. Hundred percent of donations to the charitable foundation go to supporting interns with training, accommodation or travel costs.

Wear your values on your sleeve

Have a favourite media or equity-related quote you’d love to see printed on a bag, badge or mug? A design you’d like us to create? Or keen to support PressPad with a product we don’t yet have in store?

We’re also open to product-collabs so if you want to drive home the message of diversity within your newsroom – why not think about letting us create a design that speaks to both your brand and the mission, and in doing so support disadvantaged young people entering the media.


Raise donations for PressPad when you shop online – at no extra cost!

When you register with, and shop at a whole bunch of shops online, retailers like John Lewis, eBay, Tesco or Boots donate to us – click here to register now.

Find the best reads in journalism

From Media Law textbooks to the best investigations of our time… we’ve got you covered!

Donations FAQs

As you can see above, there are many different ways to donate. If you want to discuss a larger donation, bequeath money to PressPad in a will, set up a fund in someone’s name, discuss raising money through an event or become a corporate sponsor or donor, please get in touch.

PressPad’s social enterprise exists to provide services to improve representation in elitist professions and social institutions and to raise funds for the PressPad Charitable foundation. This means some profits generated by the organisation’s activities go towards giving a leg up to aspiring and disadvantaged journalists. When it comes to donations, however, 100% of your monthly donation goes to pay for individuals’ accommodation, travel or start-up costs (equipment). Donations never pay for our salaries or overheads. If you like, you can leave an optional tip to help cover our costs.

By becoming a Changemaker, you’re helping turn someone’s life around every month. You also get to join a growing community of like-minded people who are passionate about changing the world – just like you.

Every month, we’ll send you a heartwarming email that shows your impact and makes you feel good. We think it might just become your favourite item in your inbox.

No, you can choose to donate any amount that you’re comfortable with. Our minimum monthly donation is £2 to cover transaction costs. In case it helps you make a decision, our average monthly donor gives around £20.

Donating monthly is beneficial for everyone. You’ll be able to benefit more people, you’ll get a monthly feel-good email introducing you to many of the beneficiaries of your regular donation (with a more in-depth report if you choose to Sponsor an Intern), and you’ll be joining a growing pool of like-minded people committed to transforming lives. We’re actively exploring ways to increase the value to you as a Changemaker. It also helps PressPad. By donating a smaller monthly amount it allows us to better predict how many people we are able to say “yes” to hosting and helping.