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Posts about Mentoring

As a mentor, there are certain practical steps you can take to build a good working relationship with your mentee, such as deciding when, how and for how long you..

In your routine as a mentor and throughout your mentee’s stay, you will use and expand a variety of skills. Not only will the mentoring experience help you solidify these..

There are many ways that you can help mentor a young person, and the beauty of mentoring is that you can be the change that you want to see...
There are countless benefits of mentoring and when it’s done well, you will be able to see your impact as your mentee’s personal and professional confidence goes from strength to..
Although you are the one who is mentoring a young person, you will be surprised at what you can also learn about yourself from the process, whether this is through..
So, you’ve decided to become a mentor! Here’s everything you need to know...
So you’ve signed up to be a PressPad host mentor - we can’t wait to have you work with us! There are certain responsibilities that come with the role of..
When hosting an intern, it can be great to provide practical advice and support whilst they’re interning at a company. One of the best ways to do this is by..
At PressPad, we see mentoring as a holistic process, rather than a purely professional process...
Sharing your own experience is a very powerful tool to help mentees, but doing so in the best way possible (being open and genuine) means being honest and also confronting..


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