How to be the best PressPad guest

Becoming a PressPad guest is an exciting opportunity to not only gain journalistic experience through an internship, but to build and establish a working relationship with your mentor/host. We have created a list of ways you can become the best PressPad guest, which will enable you to make the most out of this valuable experience.

Ask questions

It is important that you not only ask questions while you are working as part of your internship. You should also ensure that you make the most of the valuable opportunity to ask your mentor/host some questions. Asking questions will help you develop and further your skills and knowledge which in turn, will enable you to become a better journalist. It also will help build trust and develop an open and honest level of communication with your mentor/host.

Respect your mentor/host

As a PressPad guest it is important to respect your mentor/host including their house boundaries and rules. Of course respect is mutually earned, however, as a guest in their house this is paramount. Remember to establish your host’s expectations from this experience from the outset and to effectively communicate if you feel as if something is not clear or if you do not understand.

Be open to feedback

This experience is a great way to improve not only your professional career but to enhance your skill set more generally. Whether your host offers positive or constructive feedback on a project or on your CV – it is always important to remember that they are taking the time out of their day to help you and it always is with good intentions. They want you to be the best version of yourself and their industry based feedback will be highly useful and can help you advance in your career.

Take responsibility for your own learning

A mentor/host might help you develop or establish an effective learning plan, which could include things like the goals and expectations from your working relationship. It is important to remember that this is your experience. A sense of accountability and personal responsibility are very important. If you wish to enhance certain areas of your skillset and professional career then this should be driven by you. This can be achieved through noting down what you wish to enhance and achieve in the short and long-term of your internship/professional placement and your mentor/host relationship.

Have realistic expectations of your mentor

It is important to remember to have realistic expectations of your mentor – and that they may not have a huge amount of time and energy to invest into your relationship. This may be a short-term arrangement or you may be able to build a lifelong working relationship. Each mentor/host is different, your mentor may be very involved in your experience in comparison to someone else you may know. Try not to have great expectations of what you will or need to achieve during this time frame, just try and enjoy each day of your internship and as a PressPad guest.

Have a positive attitude

Although there may be points during your internship where you feel stressed and tired – you should aim to try and keep a positive outlook and stay motivated. It is important to not only try and stay positive for your own state of mind, but this will help with the house mentor/mentee dynamic. If you feel as if things are becoming overwhelming, your mentor will be there to help and support you or you can contact PressPad directly at –

We hope you thoroughly enjoy your PressPad guest experience and gain valuable experience not only from your internship, but also from your mentor and host. This is a great opportunity to build and establish a good working relationship with your mentor, and enhance your professional skill set.


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